Saturday, March 24, 2012

Don't Miss Watching David Kassan in the Face Off!

Don't miss an opportunity to watch David Kassan paint in the "Face-off," Thursday, May 24, 2012 in Philadelphia; or on Friday afternoon, May 25, or hear his thoughts on "What is a Portrait?" when he joins Burton Silverman, Daniel Greene and Rose Frantzen for this insightful discussion.   His afternoon drawing class is already full but we are taking a waiting list.  Recently, David shared his thoughts about teaching, "As a teacher, I believe that the most important lesson that I can impart to my students is an understanding of how to develop a keen sense of how to see the world around them, and get that on paper or canvas. I want them to get a strong understanding of how they can have their work represent their individuality, how they are the sum of their unique experiences -- and to have their work reflect this. The technical aspects of what I teach are only a small set of tools that can be used in a million different ways by each individual student."  Sign up today for The Art of the Portrait, May 24-27, 2012.

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